Link Sets for long distance connection of LMM0804
Links Set
- 23 m cable x 2
- TDL double-transmitter x 1
- TDL receiver x 2
- Power supply x 2
Two link sets are needed to connect three or four monitors.
Links Set
- 36 m cable x 2
- TDL double-transmitter x 1
- TDL receiver x 2
- Power supply x 2
Two link sets are needed to connect three or four monitors.
Compatible Products
- Product Database
- Large Monitor Manager (12 inputs, 5 x Full HD monitors)
- Product Database
- Large Monitor Manager (26 inputs, 4K monitor)
- Monitor
- 139 cm (54.6”)
- 4K UHD
The constantly growing number of medical devices and equipment used in the OR is a major challenge for OR and nursing staff. This is because, even in stressful situations, they have to be able to operate the equipment without making an error. Different user interfaces and systems that are not compatible with one another sometimes force the OR team into using awkward workflows.
With CuratOR Caliop, EIZO has developed an integration software that centralizes key OR-workflows on a single platform.
- Simple and intuitive menu navigation
- Manufacturer-independent integration
- Designed for use with mouse and touchscreen as well as remotely (foot switch / endoscope head buttons)
- Only one user interface is necessary
- Modules can be added on and additional elements can be purchased later
- Saves time and money
- Uncomplicated administration
The Large Monitor Manager LMM0804 enables digital and analog images from various sources to be arranged flexibly on large-format or multiple monitors. The LMM0804 has been designed for use in operating rooms, where an extremely flexible image display is required during surgery. At the same time, the image content for each individual unit can be defined separately.
- Small and compact size allows easy installation in existing systems.
- Up to 8 signal sources can be displayed simultaneously on a maximum of 5 connected monitors.
- The monitors can be connected over a distance of up to 36 m.
- Image is available within 4 secondes after system reboot.
- Maximum image latency of one frame (input to output) provides almost real-time image).
DVI splitter for connecting two 8MP monitors to a Large Monitor Manager. An Full HD monitor can also be connected. The output signal of the Large Monitor Manager can thus be displayed simultaneously on two 8MP monitors and one Full HD monitor (downscaling).
Πιστή Αναπαράσταση Εικόνων με τη Χειρουργική Οθόνη 3D 31.5 ιντσών
- Οθόνη LCD 31.5 ιντσών με ανάλυση Full HD (1920 x 1080 pixels)
- Ισχυρός οπίσθιος φωτισμός LED με φωτεινότητα 650 cd/m² για βέλτιστη θέαση σε φωτεινά χειρουργεία
- Υψηλή βαθμολογία IP και δίχως ανεμιστήρα, ιδανικό για τη διατήρηση ενός αποστειρωμένου περιβάλλοντος χειρουργείου
- Τεχνολογία optical bonding για μειωμένες ανακλάσεις, υψηλή αντοχή και αντιθαμβωτική τεχνολογία
- Συμπεριλαμβάνονται γυαλιά με επίστρωση anti-fog για ευκρινή και άνετη θέαση εικόνων 3D
- Επίπεδη σχεδίαση με προστατευτικό ύαλο και στρογγυλεμένες γωνίες για άνεση και προστασία της χειρουργικής αίθουσας
Μια χειρουργική οθόνη ευρείας θέασης 49 ιντσών με ανάλυση 4K UHD (3840 x 2160 pixels) και υψηλή φωτεινότητα για ενδοσκόπηση, μικροχειρουργική και άλλες επεμβάσεις υψηλής ακρίβειας.
- Ακριβής αναπαραγωγή χρώματος (BT.2020)
- Υποστήριξη HDR
- Απεικόνιση PinP (Picture in Picture) και PbyP (Picture by Picture)
- Αυτόματη ανίχνευση θύρας εισόδου
Flexible image management of monitors with resolutions from 2 Megapixels to 8 Megapixels. Different layouts can be arranged according to user preferences and working situation. This simplifies the surgeon’s individual workflow.
- Small dimensions allow easy installation in existing systems.
- Single and Dual Workspace supported.
- Video signal is valid at the output within 4 seconds after switching on.
- Long product life cycle by using ling term available parts.
- Maximum image latency of one frame (input to output).
- Switch time between layouts sets less than 0.5 second with flicker-free picture.
- Scaler output allows distribution of arranged image to HD monitor or recording system.
With TIP0210-DVI, image and video data, as well as control signals, can be transmitted with zero latency or loss in a 10 Gbit network. As a result, a flexible video routing can be realized using standardized, forwardlooking network technology.
- Uncompressed, loss-free data transmission of 10 Gbit/s
- Transmission with zero latency, for better hand-eye coordination
- One device per software can be used as a decoder and encoder
- Up to two video links per device can be processed
- Multiple views on a monitor possible through one signal
- Passive cooling
Μια χειρουργική οθόνη ευρείας θέασης 43 ιντσών 3D με ανάλυση 4K UHD (3840 x 2160 pixels) και υψηλή φωτεινότητα για ενδοσκόπηση, μικροχειρουργική και άλλες επεμβάσεις υψηλής ακρίβειας.
- Ελαφρύ για μετακίνηση διαμέσω τροχήλατου εξοπλισμού
- Ακριβής αναπαραγωγή χρώματος (BT.2020)
- Υποστήριξη HDR
- Απεικόνιση PinP (Picture in Picture) και PbyP (Picture by Picture)
- Αυτόματη ανίχνευση θύρας εισόδου
The DVI transmission links TDL3600 and TDL2300 allow high quality video data to be transmitted between PC and monitor over a distance of up to 36 meters without any loss of quality. This means that image signals can also be routed to ceiling mounted monitors. With conventional connection cables, error-free image transmission is only possible over a maximum distance of 5 meters.